inotip is a set of integrated systems that provides the tools you need to manage your projects with maximum efficiency, in the easiest, fastest, safest and most transparent way, brings all data to your fingertips with online infrastructure. Create your detailed purchases on the open platform, collect your offers from the wide expert supplier network, compare, request revisions, meet with new companies! Complete your purchases with fast and transparent processes and get the most accurate prices for material / labor / rental! It has been designed to facilitate coordination between the field and purchasing units. With this system, monitor site requisitions and convert them into purchasing requests with a single click. Prevent loss of information between your field and purchasing units, strengthen your supply chain! It collects, archives and analyzes budget, project progress, subcontractor progress payments and field team/personnel information and analysis in a single system without getting lost in complex project software or mail/message/phone traffic. Easily coordinate your employees with specially developed modules of these systems, save time and money! It is designed to manage your private procurements and integrated into the Procurement Management System. With this system, create your supplier lists, manage their documents, invite them to your private purchases! It puts an end to the confusion of reports by mail-message-phone, organizes and archives reports according to the authority levels of your entire team. With this system, you can control the reports you want from a single point, from daily site production reports to personnel reports, and easily manage the performance of your team! It has been specially designed as the backbone of all inotip systems. Easily organize the predefined roles and authorities of your Management – Purchasing – Technical Office – Site Teams, get rid of authority and management confusion, determine access limits for your personnel within system! Buyer Platform Systems
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What systems does inotip offer you?
For Your Procurement Team
Procurement Management System
For Your Technical Team
Project Management System
For Your Management Team
Supplier Management System
For All Your Teams
Reporting System
For All Your Teams
Authorization System
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